Recipe: Appetizing Manti Jordanian style or shush barek

Manti Jordanian style or shush barek.

Manti Jordanian style or shush barek Manti Jordanian style or shush barek most diverse and have ideal flavor that unique. Few kinds of Manti Jordanian style or shush barek recipes are also adequate convenient to process and dont pick up lengthy. Even though not everyone likes Manti Jordanian style or shush barek food, nowadays some people are got attached and like the various Manti Jordanian style or shush barek foods available. This can be seen than the number of restaurants that supply Manti Jordanian style or shush barek as one of the serving. You can cook Manti Jordanian style or shush barek using 21 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Manti Jordanian style or shush barek

  1. Prepare of flour.
  2. Prepare of salt.
  3. Prepare of water.
  4. Prepare of butter.
  5. It's of Filling.
  6. It's of ground beef.
  7. You need of I onions chopped.
  8. It's of parsley chopped.
  9. Prepare of spices.
  10. You need of paprika.
  11. Prepare of salt.
  12. You need of Sauce1.
  13. Prepare of tomatoes sauce.
  14. Prepare of pepper paste.
  15. It's of salt.
  16. It's of 2 Sauce.
  17. Prepare of yogurt sauce.
  18. You need of dry mint.
  19. You need of sumac.
  20. You need of minced cloves garlic.
  21. You need of salt.

Manti Jordanian style or shush barek step by step

  1. Making the dough : mix dry ingredients and mix the wet ingredients then mix all together and to form a nice smooth dough it took about 10 minutes and rest for hour.
  2. Filling: in big bowl add the meat and all the ingredients and mix well and form it to small balls make sure it’s dry not wet size of walnut.
  3. Manti : tray butter all over set it aside bring the dough cut it to 2 dust the work service with flour and start rolling to tangle thin 1/4 inc thick then with pizza cutter start cutting 20 square from the first dough make it as a boat then press on it.
  4. Or half moon and fold over your finger, Cook it in oven 370f for 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Start making the sauce : tomatoes sauce is cook to boil for 5 minutes if you decide on this sauce then drop the manti in it and cook for 5 minutes.
  6. The yogurt sauce will be hot add every thing and mix I have a slice of lamb for taste I add the garlic and mint sumac on top add the manti and cook for a 5 minutes enjoy.
  7. Yogurt sauce : gallon of yogurt stir with cup milk and egg cook over medium heat keep stirring all the time.

To get ingredients for making Manti Jordanian style or shush barek recipes is also not difficult. You can easily get the main ingredients at the nearest supermarket and indeed on the market. There are much kinds of Manti Jordanian style or shush barek that are convenient and fast to process into delicious dishes. You can always praxis this Manti Jordanian style or shush barek recipe at home, and can presenting it to your children and extended family. If you wish to cook different foods on our website, we supply various types of food recipes which are of course very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try their.

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